The Bethune International Open
NEW:this tournament is agreed by the FIDE.You must have a FIDE code.This code could be obtained from the chess federation of your country.
Every year since 1980 the Bethune International Open has been organised from the 26th to the 30th December. Henri KUC, founding president of our club the A.E.B. created this tournament between Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. Since his death, the tournament has been bearing his name: Henri KUC's challenge.
Playing conditions during the Bethune International Open are acknowledged to be perfect for the players
The Bethune Chess club is already preparing the
43st Bethune International Open from the
26th to the 30th December 2024
Room Olof Palme street docteur Dhénin 62400
Béthune, FRANCE
3 tournaments (A, B, C).
9 rounds during 5 days with a
playing rhythm of 1h30 + 30sec by moves
rate of play : 1h30+30s/move
- A Tournament
for players who have an elo > 1900 or equal.
- B Tournament for players who have an elo 1650 < elo <
C Tournament for players who have an elo < 1750.
Possibility of one BYE for rounds 1 to 6.
FOR DRAWN : 20 moves mini.
A tournament : 1st prize : 1400 €
B tournament :1st prize : 700 €
C tournament : 1st prize : 500 €
Inscription cost : 40 € for adult (50€ after 21/12) 20 € for young
< 20 year old , women and MF (25€ after 21/12)
You can contact : Francis Bugny ( )